About Us
Strong leadership and a clear vision
About Us
Our vision, a world connected for ‘the common good.’ Our mission, to help businesses, communities and people just like you. We help businesses achieve their goals by finding solutions to problems that stand in the way of their success. Helping communities to thrive is not only our mission, but also, it’s our passion. Whether you are contemplating starting a business, growing a business, or just need a “business health checkup,” we are here to help. Sustainable businesses are the key to thriving communities. Our work with businesses and communities has spanned the United States and 20 plus countries and territories around the world.
JFG’s global media platform is a new and growing segment of the business designed to complement our business consulting and management offerings. We provide guests a platform to discuss their experiences, successes and increase their exposure in the marketplace. Our guests have one thing in common, they are passionate about making a difference in the community and the lives of others. Need a specific training for your organization? We provide customized trainings in areas such as: leadership development, organizational development, and professional/personal development. Perhaps you are looking for a speaker for your business or community event, we are here to help.
At JFG our values make the difference:
• Our integrity and adherence to ethical and moral principles is genuine.
• We believe in strong leadership and a clear vision.
• Our passion for ‘the common good’ and building strategic partnerships has a positive effect.

• We are committed to excellence and quality service.
• We treat individuals with respect.
• We introduce innovation to create business value.